The Catholic Weekly 17 May 2020 10 NEWS 17, May, 2020 EMPOWERING THE next gen- eration of Catholic leaders in the Catholic Church is fundamental to the mission of Australian Catho- lic University (ACU). ACU engages the Catholic intellectual tradition to foster an expansive curriculum that encourages students to think criti- cally and be guided by social justice principles while gaining the skills to bring about change in their commu- nity or profession. It is this commit- ment to create impact with empathy that makes ACU unique among Aus- tralian universities. Inherent to this is a profound reference to our Catho- lic traditions and beliefs. It is within this spirit that the Faculty of Theology and Philoso- phy at ACU established the Xavier Centre for Theological Formation. Responding directly to the growing demand for theological formation for professionals working within Catholic education, health and wel- fare sectors, the Xavier Centre excels in the design and delivery of unique- ly tailored and accessible education- al opportunities. Though not always formal degree courses the various opportunities provided through the Xavier Centre can be undertaken as a pathway towards a degree with ACU. The Xavier Centre provides the- ological formation opportunities for lay persons, religious and clergy across Australia and New Zealand. Opportunities include short courses, in-service programs and interna- tional study tours, as well as research degrees, ministry-focused theolog- ical training and professional doc- torates. The programs are designed to respond to the multiple and competing challenges that confront faith-based organisations and their personnel at the community level. Staff within the Faculty of Theol- ogy and Philosophy who contribute to the Centre’s mission also support Catholic education in various dio- ceses, developing theological and religious education courses for that organisation’s leadership teams and staff. While framed around the core concept of dialogue that defines the Enhancing Catholic Schools Identi- ty (ECSI) project, faculty work with participants to translate this work in ways that are responsive to their context. Various health care provid- ers across Australia seek research informed theological formation op- portunities and the Xavier Centre is often called upon to provide specific seminars, consultations, research projects or policy papers. The Xavier Centre is particularly to the fore in supporting the theo- logical formation of future women leaders for our Church. Its highly acclaimed Leadership for Mission program, created and run in collab- oration with the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, along with the yearly panel event “Out in Front: Leadership and Catholic Women” provide unique contexts for women of all ages and backgrounds to share their experience in, and hope for, the Church in Australia and around the globe. A yearly School of Mission at Holy Spirit Provincial Seminary sees seminarians and future leaders from various sectors of the Catholic world across Queensland and New south Wales come together for theologi- cal-pastoral training for mission. A recently inaugurated partner- ship between ACU and the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle heralds pre- cisely the type of innovation that is at the heart of Xavier’s strategic mis- sion. Anchored in ACU’s Graduate Certificate in Mission and Culture, the partnership provides partici- pants with the capabilities required to think critically, creatively, and the- ologically around their participation in the Catholic character and ethos of their diocese. During the COVID-19 crisis, the Xavier Centre will continue to offer formation opportunities in online formats, including the very popular ACU Short Course in Theology Se- ries. With a newly minted podcast (Thinking Theology) to come, along with opportunities in Health Care Ethics, Ecological Theology, and Scripture for Contemporary Times, ACU and Xavier Centre are respon- sive to present need while planning ways forward beyond the current crisis. All of the Xavier Centre’s ini- tiatives and programs provide a platform for ACU to work with our Catholic partners, based on shared values and mission. It is our collab- orative response to the call of Christ, under the impulse of the Holy Spirit, whose outpouring into our world we celebrate in the upcoming Feast of Pentecost on 31 May. Professor Greg Craven is Vice-Chancellor and President of Australian Catholic University. Responding to the growing demand for theological formation in our Catholic communities Professor Greg Craven ACU Actingwithmercy is an act of strength. ADVERTORIAL The Xavier Centre provides theological for- mation oppor- tunities for lay persons, religious and clergy across Australia and New Zealand.